What is the purpose of this?

Why am I writing these blog posts?

Well, one could compare this to online journaling. And online journaling is therapeutic according to… someone, somewhere.

It’s meant to help you clear your mind. Make room for new thoughts, I guess.

And, also, someone out there might read something that I’ve written at some point in the future and realize that they’re not alone, in some way. Someone thinks the same way they do, likes the same things they do… I don’t know.

Look, I don’t really leave comments anywhere, or post anything anywhere. At least haven’t up until this point. I was closed in this bubble of mine. This echo chamber of sorts.

Writing these and posting them onto the internet takes me out of my comfort zone, which is a healthy thing to do.

I mean, if I don’t change, then my life will remain the same. And I’d like to try something new for once.

If anything I end up writing inspires you to do something, or provides you with food for thought… then that’s awesome.

Good luck with all your endeavours.

– Abby

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