Hi. I'm writing this blog post to share something I have once again noticed. I've noticed this before -- a few times actually -- but I keep forgetting. Okay, so... I need to wear glasses to see things clearly. To be able to read things and so on. The one downside of wearing glasses is... Continue Reading →
The Five Nights at Freddy’s Film
A few hours ago, I watched the Five Nights at Freddy's film with my father and brother. And I loved it. Of course, there might be some bias, but of course there would be. I've been waiting for 8 and a half gosh darn years for it to finally come out. I mean, I wasn't... Continue Reading →
Why am I using a Picker Wheel?
Okay, so like I've mentioned before (I think), I have many games that I want to play, but there's just so many of them, and because it's so difficult for me to decide on one, I don't decide on any. At least I think so. That might be the reason. Or it might be something... Continue Reading →
Picker Wheel – Game #1
I have finished preparing a wheel... which will decide for me... which game I should play next... There is quite a bit of on this wheel - all of it in alphabetical order. And so... I will now shuffle it... and spin. The result is... Wow. That's cool. Really cool. Also, kind of funny. So...... Continue Reading →