First Things First

Good morning.

I just woke up, and… decided to write a blog post.

So this post will be about things I’m thinking of doing with the blog, I guess.

We’ll be going through sections here, ’cause why not?

Blog Design

I remember originally having this idea of how the blog would look like, but the idea was too ambitious and over-the-top.

People prefer simple blog designs, I think. I’m pretty sure I read that somewhere. Don’t quote me on that. Or anything.


Anyways, I’ve decided to take my idea for the blog design and reuse it in my YouTube videos. Which I will definitely start recording at some point.

• Routine


Let’s not overthink things…

What I mean to say is, starting the day off with writing a blog post might be the best way to do things.

First of all, I’m tackling one of the more “difficult” (to me) tasks of the day at the start. So I won’t have to worry about doing it later. It’ll set the tone for the day and possibly get me into this “I can do anything” mindset.

Wishful thinking.

I could also plan out the day ahead of me, so I’d know what it is that I want to get done on that particular day. No matter what.

Also, by writing blog posts every morning, I’d get into a routine over time, and it’d become easier and more natural.

I’d consistently post every day. And consistency is key. According to everyone.

• Creative Expression

I don’t really share my plans and ideas for future projects. Why? Because I’m afraid someone might “steal” them.

Let’s say that someone finds out about my idea, and creates the thing before me. If I were to then share my own version, some people would view it as me “copying” the other person, even though I had the idea first.

Yes. I know. Ideas aren’t worth much without implementation… and everyone has ideas…

Still… I’d rather show, not tell.

Do you get the reference? Hopefully you do. It’s a writing one. And I’ve probably ruined things by pointing it out.

But there’s no need to be pessimistic. Moving on…

• Short and Digestible

I’m not sure whether to call this blog post short or long

It’s all relative. But I have this tendency to go off on tangents, according to everyone. Since forever.

Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration with the forever part. But I have been hearing that for quite some time.

So… to make it easier for everyone, I should try to stick to one topic in each blog post, and… that’s it.

Maybe I shouldn’t worry about them being too long. By focusing on one topic, I’ll cut down the amount of what it is that I have to say.

And it’ll be easier for me to find the information I’m specifically looking for when searching through my blog posts. Which I’d probably end up doing for some reason.

• Images

A new point just came to mind… how exciting!

Anyways… images. Putting myself in your shoes, while also staying in my own, though I’m currently not wearing any…

My blog posts must appear quite boring, and like some random block of text.

Which means that one of the solutions to this problem would be adding images. Sounds meta, I know. Just stick with me here.

By adding images, I’d be giving your eyes a break, every now and then, from the text. While also giving you something to look forward to.

You’d also get a better understanding of what it is that I’m trying to get across, since a picture is worth a thousand words, or something along those lines.

And it’d be a way for me to share my progress. In life.

I’m talking about photos of my drawings primarily, but also screenshots from games I’m playing. And screenshots of things I’m creating within those games.

Currently, I don’t do draw well…

…and yes, that was on purpose…

…but I want to get better. And I will get better. With time.

So, yeah, my drawings will look terrible for quite some time. But I’ll figure out ways to get feedback, and learn from said feedback.

And I guess I’ll end up sharing that with you.

A part of me is afraid that this is another one of those “empty promises”… as always. But the only way I can guarantee progress is by practicing consistently. Every day. Even if only for a bit.

It all adds up in the end.

Let’s say you practice for 15 minutes a days, that would be…

(Time for some quick math: 15m × 364.25 = 3642.5 + 1821.25 = 5463.75m, 5463.75m / 60 = 91.062h)

…over 91 hours per year. Nice. I might be wrong though.

Let’s ask the calculator… yay! It’s correct.

Still despise maths though…

Why? I don’t know.

Anyways…. thank you for reading.

And have a lovely day.

– Abby

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